Many of you have taken my advice and moved your Bitcoin off of exchanges and into Bitcoin cold storage wallets such as Trezor & Coldcard. I no longer recommend using Ledger wallets, which is the mostly widely used wallet because they have revealed a backdoor into the device and that with any government subpoena, Ledger will hand over your Bitcoin. Now that your Bitcoin is safe and you have complete ownership, you are probably wondering how you can easily view your Bitcoin via phone. There is a simple solution to this, download the app BlueWallet - Link and follow the below instructions.
Click add wallet
Click import wallet
Enter Bitcoin wallet address, if you don’t know your address is, go to your wallet and click receive and your Bitcoin address will be displayed.
This is a view only wallet, you can not send Bitcoin from this wallet. Bitcoin is a public ledger, anyone can view anyones wallet as long as they know the Bitcoin address
No one can steal this Bitcoin even if they have access to your phone
If you click on the Bitcoin dollar amount you can change the setting to show amount of Bitcoin, dollar amount or amount in Satoshi’s.
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