How to survive the Dollar collapse
Strategies for Navigating Economic Turmoil, Preserving Wealth, and Finding Stability Amidst Uncertainty
With each passing day I think people are waking up to the fact that governments are grossly incompetent and unable to manage almost any situation unbiasedly and effectively. The Maui fires are a microcosm of what is going on at every level of the government and the economy. The government failed at every level in Maui, they failed to warn the residents of the fire via sirens systems and they are failing in the aftermath to bring in the proper supplies. After the failure of the federal government to even recognize the severity of the fires with the president giving a “no comment”, many people have become furious and rightfully so. The government has tried to save face and decided to do what they do best, which is to print money and offer residents a one time payment of $700, which is an insult when you consider the untold billions we are sending to foreign wars. When all else fails, the government will just suppress the news via their monopoly on news media and memory hole the story. Many Americans are waking up to the reality of two America’s; one which blindly supports corporate socialism, the politically connected, and the American military industrial complex; and the other America is everyone else’.
What didn’t fail in this crisis was the local community, which was friends, family, neighbors and private businesses stepping up to the plate and helping one another out. I am a huge believer in networking and making solid connections with like minded people now, because no matter how much you prepare you will never have all the necessary pieces to the puzzle. The moral of the story is don’t depend on the government to save you, become self-reliant and resilient so you can save yourself and help others when the next crisis arises. America is going to be facing an unprecedented economic and social crisis in the near future and that’s why I believe it to be prudent to break from the normalcy bias and make preparations now that could positively affect you and your family's well being in the future.
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Glimpse at what's to come
The U.S. government has missed every exit ramp to try and rectify the spending, debt and lack of manufacturing in the U.S. economy. The government has continued to kick the can down the road, but now we are at the end of the road and real inflation is here and consumer prices will only continue to rise. The inflation genie is out of the bottle and once it is out of the bottle, it is very hard to put back in. Neither politically party has the stomach to raise interest rates significantly or make any real cuts to spending because it would be political suicide. The government will choose the lesser of two evils, which will be to print more money leading to runaway inflation.
In the 2008 financial crisis we lived in a unipolar world and everyone got on board with U.S. bailout plans to keep the global economy moving forward. When the next crisis unfolds, this will not be the case as the U.S. is in an indirect war with Russia via Ukraine. Moreover, the U.S.- China relations are deteriorating and could dramatically change over Taiwan. Safe to say they will not be agreeing with bailouts and money structures that will benefit the U.S. citizens first.
We are in the midst of the everything bubble, from stocks to real estate to luxury goods, everything has inflated because of cheap money and the bubble has gone on for so long, that very few think the party will ever end. When the party does end, the pain will be so severe that the outcry from the public for politicians to act will be deafening. Politicians will have no choice but to respond and do what they do best, which is print more money, bailout the banks, corporations, and pension funds.
When this next bailout hits, inflation will have a new meaning for many Americans and the credibility of the U.S. dollar will be brought into question. Commodities, Bitcoin, and precious metals will all take off and be scarce to come across, inflation will be on everyone’s mind. America’s adversaries have been waiting for this and could add fuel to the fire by launching a gold backed currency or by launching a new currency backed by a basket of commodities. When foreign demand for dollars dries up and dollars globally are being traded in to buy real assets, almost overnight you will see a collapse in the purchasing power of the dollar, resulting in an unprecedented decline in American standard of living.

These will be scary times and people will look to the government for help, but the government will be out of bullets, and the only cards they would have left to play will be price controls, lower already low interest rates and print money to keep corporate America solvent. Price controls are the beginning of the end because once price controls are implemented on things like fuel, food, and services, the clock will begin ticking. Price controls will only exacerbate the economic problems and spark more panic buying and hoarding among consumers. This will be the beginning stages of the U.S. leaving a free market system for a centrally planned socialized system.
Global politics will become increasingly volatile and with millions of disenfranchised people globally, you will see parties rise to power you never thought possible. You will see a rise in anti-capitalist ideology and a populus adopting the eat the rich ideology. Politicians will ride ‘the eat the rich’ populous movement and begin taxing the wealthy punitive amounts. 10% of earners already pay 74% of all taxes in the United States, at a certain level in taxation wealthier entrepreneurs will just retire and younger entrepreneurs will leave the United States. Once wealth starts leaving the U.S. you will start to see exit taxes, and outright bans on companies and individuals leaving. If you want an indication of what can happen, look at California’s unconstitutional proposal to retroactively tax residents, who had left the state.
Currency End Game
Once the dollar fails you will see a desperate attempt by western governments to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC), which many people believe the government already has in place. Once a CBDC is launched it will usher in the cashless society and an end to privacy as we know it. The government will now have a digital record of every transaction and will be able to centrally plan the entire economy. For example, the digital dollar will be deposited onto American’s phones and they will have 30 days to spend it before it disappears and they will have to spend it on designated businesses, which the government is attempting to bailout. The government will have total control and will be able to banish businesses and individuals from the economy with a press of a button. We have already seen glimpses of this in Canada with the government freezing banking for people supporting the peaceful trucker protests.
I am writing this not to scare anyone but to spur action, there is no telling when this can happen, but when it does it will happen fast and many options available to you now, will no longer exist.
Below are some solutions and insurance you can get now, remember you can’t buy insurance when your house is already on fire. Below is a list of recommendations and things I have done personally to diversify and give myself some more self sovereignty.

How To Prepare
I think it would be prudent to make anti dollar investments as an insurance policy in the event of a currency crisis, I believe a combination of Bitcoin, gold and silver will help you survive and thrive during a currency crisis. Real Estate can also be a tool to protect wealth, but real estate is not transportable and will be liquid during a major crisis. Bitcoin, I believe will be the fastest horse in the race, meaning it will perform the best and have the biggest gains. Bitcoin is also unique in that it is transportable wealth, where you can take millions in wealth with you anywhere in the world and no one can stop you.
Gold and silver will also perform well during a currency crisis. They are less volatile than Bitcoin and are subject to price manipulations via the paper markets, but when the price fix does break on precious metals there will be dramatic gains. The cons of precious metals as an asset are that they can be confiscated, and banned and in fact have been banned and been made illegal to own before in the U.S.. Moreover, with a $10k cap on the value you can fly with, you will have issues transporting substantial amounts of wealth outside of your home country, especially if two ounces of gold is equal to $10k.
If you have a Plan B location to go to in a crisis outside of your home country. I suggest placing a portion of your precious metals or Bitcoin codes there ahead of time. I also think you should have all the necessary physical goods you think you may need during a crisis like food, water, medical supplies. We all saw how fast the shelves became empty during Covid-19 and how supply chains broke down globally. Don’t wait to stockpile the necessary supplies.

Where to Go
If the Dollar collapses it will affect every person and business on the planet no matter where you live as the Dollar is the most widely used world reserve currency in history. 87% of all foreign exchange transactions are performed in Dollars, there will be no place to hide from this global catastrophe, but there will be countries and regions that will be fair better than others. Where not to be, western nations will be reeling from a collapse in their standard of living and most likely experiencing societal upheaval and political chaos. Major cities will also be the last place you will want to be as countries experience economic failure and political dysfunction. Mass looting and rioting will be most intense in highly populous areas. Major cities right now with no crisis are experiencing flash mobs and looting, so imagine what this will look like with no working banks.
If you look back in history you can see many examples of people and families that left Europe on the eve of WW2 and immigrated to the United States, where they not only survived but thrived in their new country. Many people did not take action on the information in front of them and were stuck in Europe as it descended into war. Today we have many warning signs, despite the mainstream media not reporting critical information of what is actually going on in the World. I think we are on the precipice of something similar and that many redlines have been crossed and that the time to take action is upon us.
In my opinion I believe South America will be the best place to ride out this global storm. Europe is already in an indirect war with Russia which continues to escalate, China could potentially be expanding in Asia and Africa lacks critical infrastructure. Latin America has no current regional conflicts, no nuclear weapons, plenty of natural resources and pro immigration policies.
My top country in South America for if things goes south is Paraguay because it checks a lot of boxes on my list of requirements. Paraguay is a safe country, with plenty of natural resources, is a huge agricultural and livestock exporter and has a very solid culture with some of the friendliest people I have come across. Paraguay also possesses the second largest hydroelectric dam in the world providing the country with abundant cheap energy, which has made it an ideal locale for Bitcoin mining. No place is perfect and depending on your personal needs, like if you are single or have a family, different countries will appeal to different people.
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Top Locations to ride out the storm | Links to recommended service providers
Panama - Due to the Panama canal and its geopolitical importance, it will be a flash point in any global conflict.
Central America - I prefer South America over Central America because Central America lacks the same resources and imports the majority of its food.
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