Estimated Attorney Cost: $1600 + 13% VAT + Expenses
Costa Rican residency lasts for something about 12-24 months, and it's renewable for an additional 12 months. After 3 years, it can be changed to a permanent residency with a 3 year validity. It takes something between 3-6 months if it is applied online.
It grants benefits, once obtained, such as: right to import tax free 2 vehicles (boat, plane, car) and household goods, and some others like 20% discount on the transfer of property tax.
There are two potential ways to get it:
INVESTOR: Investing USD$150K in either:
real estate and/or vehicles (not using a corporation),
investment funds
shares of an active corporation
RENTIST: depositing USD$60K in a CR bank account.
We just need to follow this 3 SIMPLE steps:
1.Compilation stage. 7-10 days.
1.1 Send a photo of your passport with its info and stamp.
I will make a power of attorney and an informed consent document. You need to print, sign and send me a scan copy.
I will coordinate with the notary to certify your passport (UD$40) and a translator to translate it (USD$35)
1.2. Birth certificate and FBI/Royal Mounted Police criminal records. Apostilled.
1.3 Registry before the police department.
1.4 Registry before their Consulate/Embassy
1.5 Documentation regarding the investment or the bank deposit in the case of rentista.
2. Online application for the Residency. 1-45 days.
2.1 First stage: We present certain documents and the migration office will answer us in 1-30 days granting us 5 days to do the final application.
I need the full name of your mother and father.
2.2 Second stage: We will apply for the category and migration has to give us an answer in 1-15 days.
Payments: USD$112 application fee, plus 50% of my honoraries
3. Documentation stage: 1-90 days.
After we get a resolution that approves your digital nomad Visa we will be granted with 90 days to finish the process, so in order to finish it we need to schedule an appointment to take your picture and get your ID card.
For the ID Card ($128)
guarantee deposit
Insurance before social security
Herman Duarte
Partner | Simple Legal Consulting (SLC)
T. +506 4000-5253