Costa Rica digital nomad visa lasts for 12 months, and it is renewable for an additional 12 months.
It grants benefits such as: no income tax, no social security obligations, right to open bank accounts, right to import -tax free- work equipment and automatic convalidation of the driver license.
The requirements are: An average income for the past 12 months of USD $3000 monthly or USD $36,000 annual (if it's a couple or families the amount is USD $4000 monthly), that the job is located outside Costa Rica and to buy medical health insurance in Costa Rica.
We just need to follow this 3 SIMPLE steps:
1.Compilation stage. 7-10 days.
1.1 Send a photo of your passport with its info and stamp.
I will make a power of attorney and an informed consent document. You need to print, sign and send me a scan copy.
I will coordinate with the notary to certify your passport (USD $40) and a translator to translate it (USD $35)
1.2. Obtain bank statements of the past 12 months.
These have to give an average income of USD $3000. If you are travelling with your married partner then the average has to be USD $4000
We will coordinate with an accountant, to issue a certificate of income (USD $226 VAT included)
2. Online application for the digital nomad. 1-45 days.
2.1 First stage: We present certain documents and the migration office will answer us in 1-30 days granting us 5 days to do the final application.
I need the full name of your mother and father.
2.2 Second stage: We will apply for the digital nomad and migration has to give us an answer in 1-15 days.
You need to provide me the full address of your workplace and the list of functions that you do.
Payments: USD$112 application fee, plus 50% of my honoraries
3. Documentation stage: 1-90 days.
After we get a resolution that approves your digital nomad Visa we will be granted with 90 days to finish the process, so in order to finish it we need to schedule an appointment to take your picture and get your ID card.
For the ID Card ($128)
guarantee deposit ($100)
Show you have an insurance that covers USD$50k in medical expenses (costs around $230-300)
Herman Duarte
Partner | Simple Legal Consulting (SLC)
T. +506 4000-5253